Natural gas plays a critical role in the global energy transition. 这是一个可靠的, high-efficiency energy source that is displacing coal-fired power while backstopping the intermittency of renewable power sources.
威尼斯电玩城手游建设和运营安全可靠的能源基础设施. 这包括威尼斯电玩城手游的93,600 km (58,100英里的天然气管道网络, which supplies more than 30 per cent of the clean-burning natural gas consumed daily across North America to heat homes, 燃料工业和发电.
了解更多威尼斯电玩城游戏下载威尼斯电玩城手游的天然气项目和资产, 包括管道和储存, 下面还有更多.
Supporting the ANR管道 system and ready to serve Midwestern communities, the ANR存储 fields have a combined maximum working storage capacity of 57 billion cubic feet of natural gas.
The 野牛管道 stretches 302 miles (486 km) across Wyoming and Montana to North Dakota, 在哪里与另一条州际天然气管道相连.
Learn more about TC Energy's federally regulated 生命周期结束 Program with the 加拿大 Energy Regulator (CER).
The 沿海GasLink natural gas pipeline project will run approximately 670 km (416 miles) in length from Dawson Creek to a facility near Kitimat, B.C.
了解更多Coco B存储项目
TC Energy’s Coco B存储项目 is drilling two replacement wells and adding additional pipeline at one of our 哥伦比亚输气库 facilities, which are part of our Columba Gas Transmission system in West Virginia.
从纽约州延伸到中西部和东南部, TC Energy’s 哥伦比亚输气公司 system moves the natural gas relied upon by millions of Americans for their energy and heating needs.
在四个州有30多个仓库, 哥伦比亚输气库 has enough capacity to handle almost 630 billion cubic feet of natural gas.